Author Archives: Richard Shumann

Limited parking on Highboro Way on July 9

There is a damaged oak tree in front of 2027-2025 Highboro Way that will be removed on Friday July 9. Parking near these houses will not be available on that day, so Davey can bring a crane to remove the tree. Nearby residents will receive a separate notice before July 9 so they can move their cars before the tree work.

Outdoor Lighting Proposal Meeting June 28

On Monday, June 28th from 7:30-9:30pm, Outdoor Illumination will present their infill lighting design proposal to the Maintenance Committee and interested homeowners. Please join us to learn more about proposed lighting improvements throughout the WSHA community, and submit your feedback on the proposed solutions via email to Sequoia or Maintenance Committee co-chairs no later than Wednesday July 7, 2021.

The Zoom link is or please call (301) 715-8592 and enter Meeting ID 419 702 5568

WSHA Board Agenda June 8

WSHA Board Meeting Agenda

June 8, 2021 7:30 PM, or you can call 301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID 419 702 5568.


  1. Call to Order – 7:30 PM 
  2. Resident Forum
  3. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 11 
  4. President’s Report 
  5. Treasurer’s Report / Monthly Financials; approval of 2020 audit report, review of taxes
  6. Budget discussion – review and planning
  7. Sequoia Management report – update, declaration progress, reserve study
  8. Lighting project review, discussion, and approval
  9. Committee Reports (Maintenance, Architectural Control, Community Relations, Lawn & Landscape including treatment of cicada killer wasps, Playground, Neighborhood Watch)
  10. Executive Session 
  11. Adjournment

Rules for 2021 Graduation Lawn Signs

Last week, the WSHA Board agreed to make an exception to our community rules about lawn signs. Families who have students graduating this spring will be allowed to post one sign in front of their homes. These signs should be removed before June 30. We agreed to a similar exception in 2020. We made this exception again in 2021 due to the continued impact of COVID-19, and is not a permanent change to our lawn sign rules.

Congratulations to all of the Westmoreland Square students gradating this spring! Richard Shumann, WSHA Board President.

WSHA Board Agenda May 11

Zoom link:, or you can call 301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID 419 702 5568.


  1. Call to Order – 7:30 PM 
  2. Resident Forum
  3. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 13 
  4. President’s Report, including graduation signs; updating WSHA website 
  5. Treasurer’s Report / Monthly Financials; discussion and approval of 2020 audit report, review of taxes
  6. Sequoia Management report – update, declaration progress; reserve study; neighborhood watch  
  7. Committee Reports (Maintenance / lighting, Architectural Control, Community Relations, Lawn & Landscape, Playground)
  8. Executive Session 
  9. Adjournment

If you have voted, please disregard the letter about WSHA Declaration

All homeowners recently received a letter about voting on the declaration documents. If you already submitted your vote, please disregard this communication. If you have not submitted your vote, please do so quickly.

New Lighting in Jesse’s Park