Author Archives: Richard Shumann

Congratulations to three new Board members!

At the Annual Meeting on November 8, Heather Widener, Sharon Jarrott, and Thondai Nagarajan were elected to the WSHA Board for three year terms.

Thanks to everyone who voted and attended the Annual Meeting.

Reminder: Annual Meeting Tuesday 8 November at 7:00 PM

Location: Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church located at 2036 Westmoreland Street, and via Zoom.

Registration will begin at 6:30 PM and the meeting itself will start at 7:00 PM.
Here is the Zoom meeting information:
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting I.D.: 965 5066 9963
Passcode: 873830
Via phone: 1 301 715 8592

Residents without computers or Internet access may call (301) 715-8592 and enter the meeting I.D. 965 5066 9963 to join the meeting (audio only).

Halloween Party Sunday 4 PM @ Jesse’s Park

Costumes optional but strongly encouraged, especially for children!

WSHA Board Agenda October 11 2022

October 11, 2022 7:30 PM

Meeting ID: 965 5066 9963

Passcode: 873830

Phone: 301 715 8592


  1. Call to Order – 7:30 PM
  2. Resident Forum
  3. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 13, 2022
  4. President’s Report:
    • Preparation for Annual meeting on November 8. 
    • Vote on Fairfax County’s offer to buy 60 square feet of WSHA land to build a bus pad on Westmoreland Street.
    • Reminder of November Board meeting on Thursday the 17th at 7:30 PM
  5. Treasurer’s Report / Monthly Financials
  6. Sequoia Management report:  Annual meeting; update
  7. Committee Reports
    • Maintenance:  Lighting project, community maps
    • Architectural Control: Change in standards for flag policy, update
    • Lawn & Landscape: Update, proposals, decision on new grounds maintenance contractor
    • Community Relations:  Picnic update; Halloween update
  8. Executive Session
  9. Adjournment

Updated Picnic time: 1:30 – 4:00 PM 15 October

We hope to see everyone in Jesse's Park on the 15th!

Picnic postponed to October 15

We expect a lot of rain on Saturday so the WSHA picnic has been moved to Saturday, October 15, 4 - 730 PM.

WSHA September 2022 Newsletter

Hard copies will be delivered to all homes later this week

WSHA Picnic Sat. October 1 4 – 730 PM

Jesse's Park, Adults $10, kids 5- 11 $5, children 4 and under free.

WSHA Board Agenda September 13 7:30 PM

Meeting ID: 965 5066 9963

Passcode: 873830

Phone: 301 715 8592


  1. Call to Order – 7:30 PM
  2. Resident Forum
  3. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from August 9, 2022
  4. President’s Report: Board recruitment; flag policy, November Board meeting date
  5. Treasurer’s Report / Monthly Financials
    • Draft 2023 budget, need approval to send to members in late September
    • Monthly Financials
  6. Sequoia Management report:  Annual meeting; update
  7. Committee Reports
    • Maintenance:  Lighting project, community maps
    • Architectural Control: second walkaround coming October 4
    • Lawn & Landscape: Update, proposals, potential new grounds maintenance contractor
    • Community Relations:  Picnic planning
  8. Executive Session
  9. Adjournment

Tree trimming on Thursday 25th

A crew will be trimming trees on Thursday. Notices have been placed on some cars asking people to move vehicles to allow the crew to access affected tress, and to avoid possible sticks falling on cars.